2011 Toyota TACOMA Steering Problems, Complaints and Defects, Recalls and Failures

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2011 Toyota TACOMA Steering Problems, Complaints and Defects

 Issue ID1355341
 Internal NHTSA #10953884
 ManufacurerToyota Motor Corporation
 Model Year2011
 File date15/12/16
Product type codeVEHICLE
 Description of the problemAfter recall/ replacement of rear leaf springs, with new 5 leaf units, the truck sags under load, rides as rough w/o cargo compared to prior 3 leaf (thicker) set. The truck was not 4 wheel aligned to spec and toyota is not verifying this done, the driveline has torsion wrap or jerky-shudder upon full stop now, as if damaged in the process. The truck with side winds and groves in the road immediately after this work and with two different new sets of michelins (changed the same day the suspension work was done), shifted off lane violently. Costco locally says i am the only one who complained about the tires so switched me to higher speed rated ones (but i do not drive at high speeds, i drive conservatively). A locally well regarded tire-alignment shop rechecked the alignment and found it was incorrect though merced toyota insists it passed their "green" zone on what looked to be off-calibrated hunter machine. From the results of this machine, the service manager and mechanic both stated my truck's frame was damaged (so why bother with alignment?). This was subsequently checked by a body repair shop with proper equipment to be found to be within one dime's thickness different from rail to rail, i. E. No damage whatsoever. Toyota wants me to return to this faulty dealership even though there are two others w/ in 60 miles from merced ca. Toyota refuses to acknowledge the issue, refuses to pay for verifying the dealership's issues. I suspect the spring set used in this recall does not match my version of truck, a trd sport access cab which is 300 lbs more capable in springing if the charts are correct. All combined, the problems are not solved and the ride has become dangerous, one i have to constantly correct, one that follows the ruts in the road and is much much more dangerously sensitive to side wind gusts on the freeways + less load capacity.
 Vehicle Mileage at Failure55000
Number of Occurences
Source of the issueNHTSA WEB SITE
 City and StateMERCED, CA
 Was vehicle invloved in a crash?N
 Was vehicle involved in a fire?N
 Was incedent reported to police?N
 Was medical attention required?N
 Was part original equipment?
No. of injured persons
No. of fatalities
 Date of purchase09/09/24
Was original owner?N
Anti-lock brakesN
Cruise controlN
Number of cylinders
Drive train type
Transmission type
 Vehicle speed65
 DoT tire identifier
 Tire size
 Location of tire code
 Type of tire failure code
 Was defective tire repaired?
 Date of manufacture
Type of child seat code
Type of restraint
 Dealer's name
 Dealer's telephone number
 Dealer's city
 Dealer's state code
 Dealer's ZIP code
  • What is Recall?

    A recall is when a product is removed from the market or a correction is made to the product because it is either defective or potentially harmful.
  • What is Failure?

    Failure is the state or condition of not meeting a desirable or intended objective, and may be viewed as the opposite of success. Product failure ranges from failure to sell the product to fracture of the product, in the worst cases leading to personal injury, the province of forensic engineering.
  • What is Defect?

    Non-conformance of a car component with the specified requirements, or non-fulfillment of user expectations, including the safety aspects.



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