Issue ID | 794803 |
Internal NHTSA # | 10335274 |
Manufacurer | GENERAL MOTORS CORP. |
Brand | SATURN |
Model | RELAY |
Model Year | 2006 |
File date | 07/06/10 |
Component | STEERING |
Product type code | VEHICLE |
Description of the problem | My 2006 saturn ion all of a sudden lost its power steering while i was driving! I almost crashed! And now it going to cost over 500 or more to fix. I could have been killed, i was going up a hill on a curve. Just all of a sudden the bell rang and it popped up pwr str. I got the car stopped and turned it off when i turned it back on it was fine for about 5 feet and again it did it. I got home and checked the fuse and made sure it was ok. Today i drove all over and it was ok and then all of a sudden again it came on and the steering wheel locked up! |
Vehicle Mileage at Failure | 82000 |
Number of Occurences | 1 |
Source of the issue | NHTSA WEB SITE |
City and State | INDEPENDENCE, KY |
VIN pattern | 1G8AJ55F46ZXXXXXX |
Was vehicle invloved in a crash? | N |
Was vehicle involved in a fire? | N |
Was incedent reported to police? | N |
Was medical attention required? | |
Was part original equipment? | |
No. of injured persons | |
No. of fatalities | |
Date of purchase | 12/02/25 |
Was original owner? | N |
Anti-lock brakes | N |
Cruise control | N |
Number of cylinders | |
Drive train type | |
Transmission type | |
Vehicle speed | 25 |
DoT tire identifier | |
Tire size | |
Location of tire code | |
Type of tire failure code | |
Was defective tire repaired? | |
Date of manufacture | |
Type of child seat code | |
Type of restraint | |
Dealer's name | |
Dealer's telephone number | |
Dealer's city | |
Dealer's state code | |
Dealer's ZIP code |