Issue ID | 1488366 |
Internal NHTSA # | 11118837 |
Manufacurer | Nissan North America, Inc. |
Brand | INFINITI |
Model | Q60 |
Model Year | 2017 |
File date | 15/07/18 |
Component | STEERING |
Product type code | VEHICLE |
Description of the problem | I got in an accident while visiting colorado with my son on 7/15/2018 i was driving from boulder to denver passing through broomfield on hwy 36. The rental car that i picked up which was semi-random as i belong to hertz president circle - they have several cars to choose from as you get off. Since my son was with me we picked the coolest looking car (bad mistake on my part - but it was for just 3 days) - it ended up being the infiniti coupe q60 2017. Unbeknown to me at this time it has adaptive steering technology. There were no instructions or information on this feature. This feature did not become apparent until the rain on that sunday 7/15/2018. As i was driving through the mountains from nederlands to boulder to denver i did notice some strange steering movements from the car, but i managed. Then while driving down hwy 36 |
Vehicle Mileage at Failure | |
Number of Occurences | |
Source of the issue | NHTSA WEB SITE |
City and State | CYPRESS, TX |
Was vehicle invloved in a crash? | Y |
Was vehicle involved in a fire? | N |
Was incedent reported to police? | Y |
Was medical attention required? | N |
Was part original equipment? | |
No. of injured persons | |
No. of fatalities | |
Date of purchase | 19/02/25 |
Was original owner? | N |
Anti-lock brakes | N |
Cruise control | N |
Number of cylinders | |
Drive train type | |
Transmission type | |
Vehicle speed | 60 |
DoT tire identifier | |
Tire size | |
Location of tire code | |
Type of tire failure code | |
Was defective tire repaired? | |
Date of manufacture | |
Type of child seat code | |
Type of restraint | |
Dealer's name | |
Dealer's telephone number | |
Dealer's city | |
Dealer's state code | |
Dealer's ZIP code |