Issue ID | 1561756 |
Internal NHTSA # | 11205666 |
Manufacurer | Honda (American Honda Motor Co.) |
Brand | HONDA |
Model Year | 2017 |
File date | 29/04/19 |
Component | STRUCTURE:BODY |
Product type code | VEHICLE |
Description of the problem | At around 30k miles the car began to make a thumping sound from the front of the vehicle when driving at any speed and passing over any uneven surface on the road. The sound seems to happen only when the left front wheel hits a bump and not the right wheel. I took the car to the local dealer twice and they stated they could not hear the noise or recreate it and that all components where working correctly. I even road with the tech to show them the sound and they reported afterwards that the sounds was gone when they test drove it 4 times before i picked it up. Driving out from the dealer, the sound was still there. They told me to let it get worse so they can find it easier and diagnose it. The noise can be heard especially when passing over consecutive and small bumps. The car now sounds like an old car with structural damage. |
Vehicle Mileage at Failure | 30000 |
Number of Occurences | |
Source of the issue | NHTSA WEB SITE |
City and State | TEMPLE TERRACE, FL |
VIN pattern | 5FPYK3F76HBXXXXXX |
Was vehicle invloved in a crash? | N |
Was vehicle involved in a fire? | N |
Was incedent reported to police? | N |
Was medical attention required? | N |
Was part original equipment? | |
No. of injured persons | |
No. of fatalities | |
Date of purchase | 13/02/25 |
Was original owner? | N |
Anti-lock brakes | N |
Cruise control | N |
Number of cylinders | |
Drive train type | |
Transmission type | |
Vehicle speed | 20 |
DoT tire identifier | |
Tire size | |
Location of tire code | |
Type of tire failure code | |
Was defective tire repaired? | |
Date of manufacture | |
Type of child seat code | |
Type of restraint | |
Dealer's name | |
Dealer's telephone number | |
Dealer's city | |
Dealer's state code | |
Dealer's ZIP code |