2004 Chevrolet SILVERADO Equipment Recall

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2004 Chevrolet SILVERADO Equipment Recall

 NHTSA Recall #33765
NHTSA Compaign #04E022000
MFG Compaign #
 Model Year2004
 Date of notification31/03/04
 Begin date of manufacuring08/02/25
 End date of manufacturing08/02/25
Type of recallE
Recall initiatorMFR
 Report received23/03/04
 Report created30/03/04
Regulation part number
FMV safety standard number
Estimated number of affected units8000
 Defect summaryAftermarket pickup truck over-the-rail bedliners manufactured for installation on 1999-2004 chevrolet silverado and gmc sierra pickup trucks. The toggle wing assembly used to attach the bedliner to the truck bed is not engaging fully in the stake pocket of the pickup truck.
 Consequence summaryThe bedliner can become detached from the pickup while it is motion, possibly endangering following motorists or pedestrians.
 Corrective actionDurakon will issue a press release in attempt to notify customers that could have purchased the defective bedliner. If you purchased either a durakon allstar of patriot overrail bedliner since august 1, 2003, for 1999 to 2004 chevrolet silverado or gmc sierra trucks, or purchased one of these pickup trucks with either brand bedliner already installed, you should return to an authorized durakon dealer so that the bedliner can be inspected and, if necessary, repaired with a newly designed toggle wing fastening system, or if required, replaced with a new bedliner free of charge. Please call the durakon hotline at 1-800-933-4200 to find the nearest authorized durakon dealer.
 Recall notesThis recall only pertains to aftermarket overrail bedliners and has no relation to any original equipment installed on chevrolet silverado and gmc sierra pickup trucks by general motors. Customers can contact the national highway traffic safety administration's auto safety hotline at 1-888-dash-2-dot (1-888-327-4236).

  • What is Recall?

    A recall is when a product is removed from the market or a correction is made to the product because it is either defective or potentially harmful.
  • What is Failure?

    Failure is the state or condition of not meeting a desirable or intended objective, and may be viewed as the opposite of success. Product failure ranges from failure to sell the product to fracture of the product, in the worst cases leading to personal injury, the province of forensic engineering.
  • What is Defect?

    Non-conformance of a car component with the specified requirements, or non-fulfillment of user expectations, including the safety aspects.



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