Issue ID | 1692063 |
Internal NHTSA # | 11360404 |
Manufacurer | General Motors LLC |
Brand | BUICK |
Model Year | 2018 |
File date | 29/04/19 |
Product type code | VEHICLE |
Description of the problem | When auto start/stop turns on the aux pump that pumps coolant into the cabin to continue to heat makes the most annoying sound in the world. Gm states that it's normal but, under normal operation you can barely hear the pump. When it malfunctions you can hear it down the block. But sure, that's normal, of course it is. That's why they changed the design of the aux pump for 2020 but won't admit fault. Gm refusing to change the aux pump, i had to buy it and do the work myself. Buick warranty is useless. |
Vehicle Mileage at Failure | 900 |
Number of Occurences | |
Source of the issue | NHTSA WEB SITE |
City and State | DES PLAINES, IL |
VIN pattern | W04GU8SX7J1XXXXXX |
Was vehicle invloved in a crash? | N |
Was vehicle involved in a fire? | N |
Was incedent reported to police? | N |
Was medical attention required? | N |
Was part original equipment? | |
No. of injured persons | |
No. of fatalities | |
Date of purchase | 10/02/25 |
Was original owner? | N |
Anti-lock brakes | N |
Cruise control | N |
Number of cylinders | |
Drive train type | |
Transmission type | |
Vehicle speed | 0 |
DoT tire identifier | |
Tire size | |
Location of tire code | |
Type of tire failure code | |
Was defective tire repaired? | |
Date of manufacture | |
Type of child seat code | |
Type of restraint | |
Dealer's name | |
Dealer's telephone number | |
Dealer's city | |
Dealer's state code | |
Dealer's ZIP code |